In January 2021, GET LIFT joined Pledge 1%, a global initiative that encourages corporate philanthropy.

Since signing the pledge in 2021, we’ve supported over 200 classrooms in communities where we and our clients live and work through

We primarily seek out literacy and STEM projects in schools that serve low-income students. Whenever possible, we maximize the impact of our donation by choosing projects that qualify for matching gifts.

Here are three recent project donations we’ve made.

Literary Programs

Miami, FL
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Multi-Sensory Learning

Boston, MA 
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Young Scientists

Philadelphia, PA
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Most of all, we love hearing about the impact of our donations. Here are a few from our donor page.

It's hard to put into words how grateful I am for your donations. I feel much more at ease knowing my students will have access to these tools. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your support in making our classroom a better place!”

Paul L Dunbar Elementary School, Philadelphia, PA

Thank you so much for your generosity. My students are going to feel like real scientists now thanks to your contribution. I appreciate your willingness to help fund my project. Thanks again for your kindness!”

Latta Middle School, Latta, SC

Thanks for donating to my STEM students. We are year one into building a STEM lab and your contributions help increase student engagement and interest around STEM activities.”

Hayt Elementary School, Chicago, IL

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